
Сообщения за январь, 2020
1.  Theoritical grammar studies  the grammatical structure of the language and the way the utterances are formed. 2.  Two main branches of theoretical grammar are  morphology and syntax. 3.  Syntagmatic relations appear  between words in a line of speech. 4.  Paradigmatic relations appear  between words united by common features. 5.  Paradigm is  ​ all the possible grammatical forms of the word. 6.  Synchronic variations are  variants of the word form, existing at the same time. 7.  Diachronic variations are  variants of the word form, existing at different time. 8.  Systemic approach to grammar study relies upon the notion that  the language is a system of phonetical, grammatical and lexical signs. 9.  First grammars of English were based upon dead languages. 10.  Comprehensive grammar announced that  the role of grammar in communication is determined by understanding.   11.  Synthetic languages express(convey) grammatical forms(meaning ) by means of morphemes.